About Me

profile photo
Ailie hiking in Laos
Ailie with an elephant

AILIE MCCORKINDALE, Full Stack Developer

Hi, I'm Ailie. I'm a web developer based in Paris, France and I am currently looking for a new challenge!

Fresh from taking time out to backpack in South East Asia and sharpening my tech skills with Ironhack's intensive web development bootcamp, I'm ready to kick start my career as a full stack developer! A lover of puzzles, I'm not afraid to think outside the box, try new things and use my creativity and enthusiasm to solve problems.

I love to learn new things and expand my horizons. Although my professional path has taken a few twists and turns, I've never stopped learning whether it was through university, evening classes or online tutorials, and I've finally found my passion in the ever changing world of web development, where it is essential to keep up with all the latest developments.

In my spare time I enjoy travelling, reading, yoga and making games with HTML canvas.


HTML 5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Bootstrap | MaterialUI | Node.js | Express | Handlebars | Jasmine | MongoDB | Mongoose | Git | GitHub


English, French, Italian